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Writer's pictureKharissa Parker

Why You Should Consider Switching to African Black Soap

From the aisles of grocery stores to online retailers, African black soap is available everywhere these days. Just a few years ago, no one had really heard of it. With curiosity leading the way, the more people researched African black soap the more they realized just how beneficial it is. In addition to being safe for all skin types, here are a few reasons why you might want to make the switch.

It fights acne

African black soap contains shea, so it's great for balancing out the skin's natural oils and repairing cell damage. As a result, you'll likely see less breakouts.

It protects against aging

Full of antioxidants, African black soap adds another layer of protection on the skin so it's not as prone to get damaged by the sun or environmental toxins.

It prevents razor burn

If you shave, wax, or use other methods of hair removal, African black soap can keep pores clear and unclogged which means you'll have fewer bumps and rashes.

With so many retailers selling African black soap now, keep in mind that real African black soap isn't very black at all. Authentic African black soap is brown and rugged, like the one pictured above. Smooth, black bars claiming to be African black soap contain dyes and can be counterproductive for the health of your skin.

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